Freshwater Therapy Fishing Guide Service

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Best Late Summer Bite Ever.

Finished up our season on Lake George with some of the best smallmouth fishing I've every experienced on that body of water.  I think we have a consistently warm summer to thank for a solid summer pattern not only setting up, but remaining rock steady.  Water temperatures climbed into the mid 70's just after the fourth of July and so we had temps between 75 and 78 for almost 7 weeks.  Those warm surface temps forced fish deep onto off shore structure.

We not only smashed them on drop shot and plastics but we absolutely destroyed them on hair jigs (all caught and released of course).  We would often run up on a hump and if the fish were there, they were very aggressive.  We would often catch a pod of fish - ranging from 3 - 8 fish - almost all in the same size class.

Best hair jig rod and one of the sweetest rods I've ever used is the Daiwa Tatula Elite 7'6" ML Neko/Hair Jig rod.  It was so sensitive that it seemed like you could feel the fish breathe on that jig.  

There was nothing like setting the hook in 40 FOW and reeling as fast as possible to keep up with that fish as it screamed up to try and spit that jig.  Almost everyone of them did that exact same move - and it never got old.

That closes the books on one of the sweetest summers of fishing the pristine waters of the Queen of American lakes - Lake George.  Until next summer - Lord willing!