Best Fishing Products 2018 Boat Control: Minn Kota Talon

Hands down, the best investment we made this year was selling our 12’ Talons and upgrading to the 15’ Minn Kota Talons. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. There’s nothing like being able to push a button and sit in one spot - almost instantaneously. And not just fishing for bass. We have caught walleye after walleye (after all - I guide for walleyes spring, early summer, and fall) thanks to the Talon. We have also benefited targeting bull gills and giant perch. Find a pod of fish and talon down - the Talons allow you to focus on fishing instead of fighting wind (or the traditional anchor).

Other significant benefits to the Talons? They make taking little kids fishing that much more enjoyable. I have little kids in my house and I love being able to push a button and focus on a tangle or net a fish or take a picture - knowing that we’re not drifting away from a sweet spot chuck full of fish! Step away from the actual fishing scene - Talons making docking and recharging batteries possible. It’s awesome to be able to leave your boat for a couple hours knowing that it won’t be battered by dock rash or worse!

Why do I need talons if I have spot lock on my trolling motor? Great question - spot lock is an amazing function, but I think there’s good reason to have both! Remember, with spot lock, your trolling motor prop is constantly moving - a lot of fishermen (including kids) don’t realize it’s moving and it becomes a major source of pain. Also, I find that there are times when I don’t want the trolling motor to be running because I want to be even more stealthy. Lastly, I sometimes will use both Talon and spot lock because I can give every person equal opportunity to cast to the area where the fish are holding.

A lot of people struggle with the price tag on the Talons, but when you’re spending a lot on a boat already, why not invest a little more and get the tools that will make boat control that much easier?