Product Highlights from Summer 2015: Gamma Touch Fluorocarbon
I spent 60+ days this summer fishing deep water for largemouth and smallmouth bass. Up to this summer, I'd been using Gamma's Edge Fluorocarbon while drop shot fishing. This summer we tried something different. We spooled up with Gamma's Touch Fluorocarbon 7lb test and were extremely impressed. The line had no memory. It was super supple and soft, yet incredibly strong. I don't think we had one fish break us off this summer. Here's the real testimony about this line: We put the rod and reel that was spooled up with this line in many client's hands. That line faced lots of abuse - and yet stood up to the test. My son toward the end of the summer caught his biggest smallmouth ever - a 19.5+" fish. After a full summer of abuse from lots of people fishing this line, he was able to land a 4+ pound smallmouth. Next summer we're planning on spooling every rod in the boat with Touch! If you want to learn more about Gamma's amazing products or to purchase products, go to