Freshwater Therapy Launches Hair Jig Sales
Just one example of the effectiveness of the hair jig.
I fell in love with fishing a hair jig several years ago. The hair jig continues to be one of my most fun and consistent ways to fool big smallies. A couple years ago I set out to design what I think is the best hair jig on the market. Here’s what sets my hair jigs apart from all the others on the market:
Every jig is hand tied by me.
I use premium components every time. Every hook is a high end, ultra sharp Owner hook. I want to fish with the best and so I only tie with the best.
Every jig is poured by me and hand dipped by me. Every eyelet is clean so you never have to fight to thread a jig on your line.
I not only whip finish the jigs, but I also put a coat of head cement around the entire finished section to help promote a longer lasting product.
Competitive pricing compared to all the other hair jigs on the market. I sell each jig for $5.
If you’re interested in putting an order in, I encourage people to buy both 1/8 oz and 1/4 oz in a variety of black and brown. These are the two colors I use. Somedays the brown dominates and some days the black dominates. Some days you fish a lighter jig to connect with fish higher in the water column. Some days you want to be closer to the bottom with the heavier jig. You can email your orders to
I also offer hair jig trips on Lake George in NY. Book a trip and learn how to fish this amazing presentation!