Freshwater Therapy Fishing Guide Service

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Overcoming Tough Fishing Conditions

We shot a video a couple weeks ago and everything was stacked against us. Wind, cold temps, water temps struggling to break 50 degrees…those conditions not only are uncomfortable for us to fish in, but the fish tend to be sluggish as well. Especially when you get a beautiful warming trend followed by cold weather. Our temps dipped back below freezing several nights in a row (and this was late April).

So what did we do? We choose to incorporate a couple principles that helps us be effective:

  1. We fished slow and fast. We fished slow, but we tried to cover as much area as possible.

  2. We downsized as much as we could - 1/8oz jigs with Charlie Brewer Slider 3” grubs. These baits are super versatile - they can be fished fast or slow depending on the mood of the fish.

  3. We had a mindset that we wanted to contact fish.

  4. We were prepared to fish a jig and minnow if necessary.

Our four set ups included a Charlie Brewer Slider (swimjig), a hair jig, a jig and minnow, and a TRD tube.

Check out the video and watch the results!